Fien Caobrink
Born: 14 november 2020
Mother:Boukje Kelpiebrink
Maeglin Gijste x Ravel Kelpiebrink
Father: Black River Kennel Quantum
Firefox Devil of Highland x Confortably Numb
Colour: Black and Tan
ED 0/0
Eyes and Heart examined and free of hereditary diseases.
Back (IDD, LTV, SP, VA) free.

Fien is a princess. She likes to be pampered and is very cuddly.
She comes across as very calm and balanced and at first glance you think “what an easy, nice and sweet dog”. And that is usually true but… (there is always a but ) if Fien gets something into her head, it is not easy to get it out.
Fien can be quite stubborn and hard-headed. Boundaries have to be set, otherwise she takes over the reins with her charming behaviour.
Fien lives on a farm where she has the space to get rid off her energy.
She does agility at recreational level in addition to obedience.