Allie Caobrink
Born: 07-11-2017
Mother: Tully Leejel Kelpiebrink
Maeglin Jlee x Luack Jelle
Father: Boyd’s Bullriding Bush Ranger
Evallens Black&Tan Ablaze x Ballare Stukova
Colour: Red&Tan
Had multiple heart and eye examinations: free of inherited heart disease
ED 0/0
IDD 0 Free
LTV 0 Free
SP 0 Free
VA 0 FreeBorn

Allie lives with Eline and her family.
Allie is an FCI and WKC registered kelpie. She is very talented and enjoys herding sheep.
Allie is an energetic dog with temperament. She loves doing things and she is also somewhat headstrong and meddlesome.
She likes cuddling but working she likes much better.
She is very loyal, will do a lot for you but wants to be with you everywhere and “take care of things”. She can also be quite jealous.
We love her because of her sweet character and enormous work ethic but Allie is not an average house dog. She really needs some work!
We mainly train sheep herding with her which she totally enjoys. She would love to be outside all day and make sure everything and everyone stays together.
Allie has several offspring, some of which show similar traits.You can also find photos and information at Allie ( Kataas is her working kelpie kennel name.